أصحاب المخابز ببني ملال يوجهون شكاية لوالي الجهة بسبب إجبارهم على الإغلاق مع الرابعة عصرا -وثيقة-

هيئة التحرير30 مايو 2020
A Moroccan buys bread at a supermarket on April 4, 2008 in Rabat. During the first two months of 2008 prices in Morocco have risen, cooking oil by 8%, semolina for couscous by 12.1%, pasta by 8.7%, soft flour by 6.7%, hard flour by 17.3% and 14% for corn according to the Moroccan census bureau (HCP). In Egypt, there is a serious bread crisis brought on by a combination of the rising cost of wheat on world markets and sky-rocketing inflation, and the price of bread has increased fivefold in private bakeries. EU Development Commissioner Louis Michel warned on April 8, 2008 that soaring prices of basic foodstuffs in Africa could cause a "humanitarian tsunami". AFP PHOTO/ABDELHAK SENNA
A Moroccan buys bread at a supermarket on April 4, 2008 in Rabat. During the first two months of 2008 prices in Morocco have risen, cooking oil by 8%, semolina for couscous by 12.1%, pasta by 8.7%, soft flour by 6.7%, hard flour by 17.3% and 14% for corn according to the Moroccan census bureau (HCP). In Egypt, there is a serious bread crisis brought on by a combination of the rising cost of wheat on world markets and sky-rocketing inflation, and the price of bread has increased fivefold in private bakeries. EU Development Commissioner Louis Michel warned on April 8, 2008 that soaring prices of basic foodstuffs in Africa could cause a "humanitarian tsunami". AFP PHOTO/ABDELHAK SENNA

تاكسي نيوز


توصل موقع تاكسي نيوز بشكاية من المكتب الجهوي ببني ملال خنيفرة للفدرالية المغربية للمخابز والحلويات ، موجهة لوالي جهة بني ملال خنيفرة يطالبون فيها بضرورة العدول على استخدام السلطات للتوقيت الجديدة للاغلاق (4 عصرا)، نظرا لما يسببه ذلك من خسائر كبيرة واضرار مادية جسيمة.

واستغربت الفدرالية من كون بني ملال المدينة الوحيدة بالمغرب وبالجهة التي تعتمد توقيت الرابعة عصرا، فيما المخابز بباقي المدن تغلق ابوابها في حدود الساعة السادسة مساء.

وفيما يلي نص الشكاية :



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